Ainsworth Game Technology Limited (AGT) has reported revenue of AU$100
Ainsworth Game Technology reports 40  revenue increase for H1 FY22

Ainsworth Game Technology Limited (AGT) has reported revenue of AU$100.7m (US$72.3m) for H1 FY22, a 40% increment from the prior-year period.

Underlying EBITDA was AU$20.7m for the period, compared to AU$1.1m, patch underlying gain before assess was AU$10m, compared to an underlying red before task of AU$18.7m inwards the prior-year period.

The society reported profit after assess of AU$9.1m for the period, compared to a loss after assess of AU$50.1m for the “heavily pandemic wedged prior corresponding period.”

A statement from AGT read: “The improved results were in the first place impelled past increased revenue resulting from revenant revenues on Historical Horse Racing (HHR) installations and outright sales, including the conversion to sale of 400 HHR units antecedently placed on participation in North America, an betterment inwards Latin America goaded past retrieval and locus re-openings, and a higher contribution achieved from the online division.

“Reflecting the advance inward trading conditions offshore, international revenues increased past 59% versus the prior corresponding period (PCP), and now account statement for 83% of the group’s add revenue. Recurring revenues, another anteriority in the group’s strategy to attain sustained performance, increased by 28%.”

Revenue inward Australia declined by 13% compared to the prior-year period, with Second Earl of Guilford American revenue climbing 33% to AU$54.6m.

“We are proud of(p) to present an improved outcome for the half year, impelled by re-openings and retrieval inward many of our major international markets,” said AGT CEO Harald Neumann. “While we canful looking at send on to further recovery, especially inward Australia and Latin America, we are also actively pursuing a reach of initiatives to fundamentally rising slope AGT’s spirited designing and technology capabilities.

“The power to rapidly save unexampled products to marketplace that can buoy provide sustained carrying into action for our customers is vital to our long-term success. i seem forwards to updating you as we progress.”

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