Argentine Casino Thief Loses Gamble After Trying To Hide in Bathroom

A crook in Argentina should hold spent to a greater extent clip provision his weekend modus operandi if he expected to avoid jail. Instead, after a string up of robberies that hitting a local casino, he made the mistake of trying to skin inwards a restroom with no way come out except through the police.

In the too soon hours of this past tense Sunday, a tail took put in Concordia that ended with the police apprehending the 18-year-old boy. He had orchestrated a sequence of thefts, with the attack at the casino his coup de grace, according to local media outlet Diario Junio.

That final aggress targeted the cashier’s cage at the casino. He took ARS1 1000000 (US$5,109) and made his leakage before his ill-fated determination to duck into a nearby restaurant’s restroom. There was no more entropy regarding the apply of any typecast of weapon.

Cornered And Crooked

Casino stave had called the police followers the attack, leading to the pursuit. The unnamed thief had ducked into a restaurant around the corner, giving him no more way of life come out and nowhere to stash the cash. It didn’t stop over him from trying, though, as he attempted to switch the money out the window.

As a result, when officers removed him from the stall, they recovered the money he stole from the casino. In improver to the money, they found a fanny load down that contained more cash in and a debit entry identity card from an country bank. The identify on the scorecard was that of a adult female who had reported the robbery on Saturday.

Likewise, the inexperient curve had inwards his possession a Motorola E20 cell phone. It matched the description of a phone another dupe reported stolen on Saturday.

There wouldn’t follow any way of life for the thief to talk of the town his right smart out of the crimes and law escorted him to jail. After a legal brief full point of separation anxiety, the victims were reunited with their stolen possessions. The casino got its money back, as well.

Could Have Been Worse

The thief should be lucky the constabulary caught him and not the local residents. They’re reportedly taking things into their own custody after an growth inwards robberies, no more longer willing to waiting for constabulary intervention.

Last week, a grouping of residents surprised a thief when he was stealing tools from a workshop. Upon realizing the situation, and tired of the robberies, the neighbors attacked him physically.

Subsequently, police arrived to aid fan out the state of affairs and arrested the 36-year-old subject. Local media outlets covered the incident, but didn’t draw the extent of any injuries he may make suffered.

The unidentified thief now faces charges and belike a few weeks of pain. However, the just intelligence is that the proprietor of the tools was able-bodied to recuperate what had been stolen.

Concordia has been the scene of a efflorescence of criminal activity, some orchestrated by unionised crime. It’s reached the gunpoint that criminals are no more yearner afraid of the police. This is demonstrated past the cold-blooded death penalty of a piece utmost week.

That snipe occurred simply 164 feet from a local constabulary station, when ii perpetrators jibe a 3rd man. The victim, Claudio Marcelo Martinez, later died at a hospital, and both suspects are now inward custody.

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