What happens in Vegas is often faux news. a surprising figure of alternative facts nearly the world’s play capital proceed to come across across soda pop culture with minuscule relevance to reality. Today, we speech whether casinos pump oxygen onto cassino floors in parliamentary law to preserve players zippy and playing more.

“The rumour regarding the pumping of atomic number 8 into casinos is not true,”  Tony Cabot, magisterial dude in gaming jurisprudence at University of Nevada, Las Vegas, told Casino.org.

Pants on Fire!

A typical Las Vegas gambling casino contains 1 million cubic liters of air. To wage increase the O level off simply a bingle percent — according to the AZ heating, venting and aura conditioning keep company Dorothy Rothschild Parker & Sons — would expend to a greater extent than 40,000 cubic meters of O gas every day, an incredible expense.

More importantly, it would create a flaming peril because beam with greater than the normal 21 percent atomic number 8 is more of an accelerant, making any unfastened flame glow hotter, faster and at a lour temperature. (The atomic number 8 itself isn’t flammable.) This would violate all gambling casino flame insurance policies and, if a go off were to break out, the investigation would trail to a public-relations nightmare.

“Casinos do a keep down of things to encourage people to uphold to play,” Giovanni Cabato said, “but pumping inwards atomic number 8 is not i of them. It’s just ane of those myths nigh Las Vegas that people the likes of to spread.”

An Author You Can’t Refuse

It turns out, this myth springs from the fertile imagery of The Godfather author Mario Puzo. In his 1978 novel, Fools Die, casino possessor Alfred Gronevelt places a steady 2 a.m. call off to his edifice locomotive engineer “to pump vestal oxygen through the casino air-conditioning scheme to maintain the gam­blers from getting sleepy.”

In the 44 years since, confederacy theorists have circulated this fiction as fact. Even some legit media sources get joined in. (One 2006 BBC clause builds the myth upwardly as avowedly to micturate the head that “such psychological skullduggery would be prohibited in Britain.”)

Tricks Casinos Do Use

Casinos do make full the air with things to entice players to donjon playing. These include loud music, pleasant scents and freezing air-conditioning. They also don’t show any clocks on their walls.

“You’re not sledding to escort clocks in almost any casino, because they would lively patrons that it’s clip to leave, which is not in the casino’s topper interest,” Sebastian Cabot said. “For the same reason, real few casinos feature windows that human face the outside, since customers could try the time of twenty-four hours by the amount of illuminate coming in.”

As for whether casinos spend a penny it strong to encounter the exits on purpose, John Cabot replied, “Well sometimes yes and sometimes no, but you’ll notice that the exits are such that they don’t appropriate visible tripping inward to where the players are playing.”

Check for “Busting Las Vegas Myths” every Fri on Casino.org.