Casino de Montréal Dealers Hold Flash Strike as Contract Negotiations Stall

Casino de Montréal dealers out of the blue dropped their decks and walked turned the task over the weekend.

The flash work stoppage began on the stroke of 4pm on Sabbatum and lasted for four hours. Workers headed come out to the entryway to the gambling casino to march at against an impasse in negotiations over their new collective agreement. The protest was repeated for quatern hours on Sunday.

At bet is the concord that regulates the working conditions of 521 dealers. Salaries and working schedules are the briny issues. The dealers feature been without contracts since March 31, 2020.

Negotiations smasher deadlock the previous weekend, the Canadian River Federal of Public Employees (CUPE), told The Globe and Mail.

The casino is owned by Loto-Quebec, the provincial government’s gaming operator-regulator. Situated on Notre Dame Island, it is the largest gambling casino inwards Canada.

‘More Openness’

“We need to a greater extent nakedness from the employer during the intermediation sessions, which testament occupy come in from next Tuesday. With the actions of today and yesterday, the dealers feature demonstrated their readiness to mobilize and their finding to reach a satisfactory agreement,” said CUPE sum representative Jean-Pierre Proulx Lord's Day inwards a French-language pressure release.

Loto-Quebec officials said they would carry on to welcome customers to the casino during in the case of future strikes, albeit with a slightly qualified service.

Operations at the gaming tables testament continue. The most popular games, such as blackjack, roulette, and baccarat, testament be on offer, but the stove poker way will follow closed. All other activities, such as restaurants, shows, or expansion slot political machine games, will take come out normally,” the fellowship said inwards a statement.

It added it would preserve negotiations with the conjugation “within parameters that are similar to what has been agreed to past the same bodies of employees inward its other casinos.”

‘Hidden Layoffs’

In February, the sum accused Loto-Québec of planning “hundreds of obscure layoffs” after it failed to call in all of the dealers who had been laid cancelled during the pandemic. This was despite the lifting of coronavirus restrictions at the gambling casino in February.

According to the union, 97.4% voted inward favour of employing “pressure tactics” to forcefulness the operator to reinstate the dealers and takings gaming tables to full capacity. This mired dealers showing upwardly to piece of work wearing trades union T-shirts publicizing their demands.

Loto-Québec said inwards a February 25 province it would “pursue its gradual reopening, recalling its stave based on traffic and client expectations.”