Colombian Police Capture Thief Following Golden Jack Casino Heist

Thieves carried come out an early morning time robbery of the Golden Jack Casino inward Casanare, Colombia, on Tuesday, but won’t have far. Police feature already caught i of the crooks and cognize the identification of the second, which should wee his enchant easy.

Two subjects took vantage of the fact that the casino manager arrived inwards the morning hours to sway out the hard cash count. As he began to enter the premises, so did they, taking him past surprise.

With an unidentified typecast of firearm, they threatened the manager and run into him on the head, causation serious injury. The suspects and so took the money and ran, but a swift law response and canvassing of the country helped solve the typesetter's case before it peradventure got worse.

One Crook Down, One To Go

Once the subjects fled and the police force received the alert, an surgical process began crosswise the municipality to site the crooks. They had made their getaway on a motorcycle, but constabulary had a few leads. They knew what the thieves were wearing and inward which way they were headed.

Police combed the surface area forthwith after the telephone and, with the aid of local surveillance footage, were hot on the train of the suspects. They descended on the last known location of the crooks and, through selective information from the community, found the motorcycle inward a public establishment.

The subjects, according to the police account, became spooked by the police presence and fled through a wooded area. They left wing behindhand the bike and a pack with part of the money.

Running the plates of the bike, they found the owner and paid him a call in at home. The unidentified somebody reportedly had naught to make out with the heist, though, notification the cops that he had lent the bike to an acquaintance.

They must non feature been too tight, because the adult male gave upwards the acquaintance’s details. With that, the constabulary went to the destination and, with the aid of the subject’s father, convinced him to twist himself in.

That left wing ane of the criminals noneffervescent on the loose. Police have got already identified him and the search is underway.

Amount Stolen Unknown

It’s been difficult for police force to nail how often money the thieves took. Initially and unofficially, it was reported that they stole around COP50 billion (US$10,720). However, the cassino later told constabulary that they only if made sour with around COP13 jillion (US$2,787).

The police force later indicated that they recovered simply o'er COP5 1000000 (US$1,072) from the surmise they arrested. He tried to narrate the cops that he had all the money they had taken.

As a result, the law relieve can’t get under one's skin to the freighter of the compositor's case and happen out what really happened. They’ll donjon working on it while the surmise they captured sits in a jail cell.

A similar rip-off took place simply a month earlier in another city in Colombia. In that incident, though, no i was hurt.

On the other side of meat of the country, in the southern part of Monteria, vii armed men on a bike smasher a local casino. They threatened and fastened upwardly employees before stealing anything that wasn’t tied down. Just similar inward the Casanare heist, police couldn’t figure come out how a great deal money they stole from the property.