The young chairwoman of Colombia announced wholesale changes to financial policies for the land soon after taking office. In response to that, the Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (DIAN, for its Spanish people acronym) is sledding to turn to a greater extent mired in inadvertence of the gaming industry.

Gustavo Petro Urrego was interested nigh assess humbug and majuscule flight before he took office; he used them as parting of his political platform before of the elections. Petro, a former economist, feels that tens of millions of dollars are slithering through and through the country’s adhesive friction because of slack controls and out-of-date policies.

To right the situation, he and inward Minister of Finance José Antonio Ocampo worked come out a young framework. They would implement new taxes on certain people and sectors, but also consecrate some gamblers a break. Dian is going to assist enforce those policies.

New Eyes on Gaming

DIAN proclaimed this calendar week that it testament carry out command and inadvertence of entities and persons responsible for(p) for the development of gaming and betting activities. This will live a co-ordinated effort among different units within the organization, and testament also include lapse of casinos.

The unexampled initiatives respond to the financial reforms Petro is implementing, but also to DIAN’s own research. It has determined that at that place are a number of taxpaying entities that feature been in infringement of their taxation obligations. The list is on the face of it extensive, encompassing both land-based and online operations.

As a result, DIAN’s units are going to visit for each one metropolis and pelt over the books of the operators inwards for each one one. This testament include the verification of compliance, billing information, revenue enhancement declarations, defrayal transactions and more.

DIAN also emphasized the grandness of compliance at all levels. Therefore, it is also sledding to touch taxpayers who are behindhand inward their obligations. The goal is not to penalize them, but to assist them process out a solution, on a case-by-case basis, to resolve their owing(p) debt.

However, taxpayers don’t make to waitress for the visit. DIAN explained that if taxpayers want to receive a bound on resolving their issues, they canful already schedule an appointment with the government agency to put to work on a solution.

DIAN Efforts Pay Off

In the proactive defend against cap flight and tax evasion, DIAN’s strategies and actions are paying off. It reported that it self-collected COP18.6 billion (US$4.26 billion) as of July 31.

Of this, COP14.7 one million million (US$3.36 million) is effectual income. Another COP3.9 billion (US$893,100) is the ensue of collecting payments inward arrears. This is an advance of 38.3% over the same full stop finally year.

All of the efforts – those of Petro, DIAN and others – are going to lead story to more financial control. The gaming sector isn’t alone, though, as DIAN is increasing its scrutiny of all industries. From simply another two, agriculture and livestock, it expects to regain COP369 zillion (US$84.46 million) inwards undischarged revenue enhancement debt.

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