The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors say they were not secret to legislative discussions nigh potentially allowing a gambling casino holiday resort inward Tysons before a powerful tell Senator filed a measure inward capital of Virginia earlier this month.

On Fri night, cladding a ire of unfavorable judgment from residents for seemingly not taking a perspective on Old Dominion State say Sen. Jacques Louis David Marsden’s (D-Fairfax) public funding most a casino inwards Tysons, Fairfax Supervisors told their constituents the legislative force was news to them, too.

What happened here is that people inward a vacuum worked on a plan and went to capital of Virginia without coordinating with Fairfax County,” Jeff McKay, the chair of the county board, told DC News Now. “None of those groups have come formally, sat pull down with me and said, ‘Hey, here’s what we’re proposing. This is what our bill looks like. Will Fairfax County enlist inward conversations with us?'”

The bulk of the county supervisors verbalized opposite towards a possible gambling casino inward Tysons. The supervisors later drafted and sent a varsity letter to several commonwealth lawmakers to express the county’s hostility to Marsden’s gaming legislation.

County Submits Position

In the county’s missive written by McKay, the supervisors say they didn’t directly occupy a stance on the rumored casino legislating because Old Dominion State is a Dillon Rule nation that restricts local governments’ authority. The chairman said that’s why the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors doesn’t typically squeeze or contradict legislation.

However, when it comes to a possible casino, the supervisors say they should get a sit at the table.

“Unlike other jurisdictions that received the authorization to hold a referendum to host a casino, Fairfax County did not seek such authorisation and has non been substantively mired inward the developing of the casino construct envisioned past stakeholders and the sponsor of the legislation,” McKay wrote to House Speaker Don Robert Scott (D-Portsmouth), House Majority Leader Charniele Herring (D-Alexandria), House Minority Leader Sir Alexander Robertus Todd William Schwenk Gilbert (R-Woodstock), Senate Majority Leader Robert Falcon Scott Surovell (D-Mount Vernon), and Senate Minority Leader Ryan McDougle (R-Mechanicsville).

It likely comes as no surprisal to you that the location and conception included in the legislation and reported inward the media has generated substantial biotic community interest and opposition,” McKay continued. “Furthermore, since a community involvement cognitive operation was non conducted prior to the measure beingness introduced as it was in other jurisdictions, we believe the bill inward its stream word form is likely to termination in warm biotic community opponent to the future referendum.”

McKay countered Marsden’s claims that a gambling casino is needful to economize Fairfax County’s attribute task base, which was dealt revenue setbacks because of COVID-19 and to a greater extent workers being allowed to telework. McKay said the supervisors “are surefooted that Tysons is poised for continued success” and testament preserve to draw in young businesses to its many power buildings.

McKay did not require for any sue by the lawmakers but instead said the room decided to put forward the unsolicited testimony about its stance on the cassino dilemma.

Widespread Opposition

County supervisors said Friday that they’ve fielded a slew of opposition from biotic community members and non much support.

“I’m not hearing a lot of different things from my constituents. I’m sense of hearing uniformed opposition,” said Fairfax Supervisor King James I Bierman, who represents the Dranesville District.

McKay said the quaternity other casinos that experience been sanctioned in Old Dominion State take in simply a billet of the porcine revenue won by the house.

“If this gambling casino generated $200 meg and only when $50 one thousand thousand of that came rear to Fairfax County, and i was left wing with all the problems related to to a casino? That’s non a goodness trade for my taxpayers. We’re not inward this to live the state’s ATM.”

Marsden said he’s been in public discussing the idea of authoring legislating to designate Fairfax as a cassino legion for o'er a year. He says the gambling casino would follow only i element of the project, as the terminus would also play much-needed nightlife, entertainment, and a large convening eye to Tysons.

Marsden says the gambling casino would also yield people inwards Northern Old Dominion State a localise to gamble other than traveling to neighboring Maryland.

Marsden’s Fairfax gambling casino statute — Senate Bill 675 — passed the Senate General Laws and Technology Committee last hebdomad past a 10-4 vote. The visor has since moved to the Senate Finance and Appropriations Committee.

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