Heath Streak, the former cricket captain of Zimbabwe, has been banned from all cricket following a 15-month investigation by the International Cricket Council (ICC)
Former Zimbabwe cricket captain banned for eight years following betting scandal

Heath Streak, the former cricket senior pilot of Zimbabwe, has been banned from all cricket followers a 15-month investigation past the International Cricket Council (ICC).

The ICC prohibited Streak for corruption offences after it found he had been leaking info during his clip as a coach-and-four for Rhodesia and inward Twenty20 leagues crossways Asia.

It was revealed that Zimbabwe’s all-time leading wicket-taker was working with an unnamed Indian man, known as ‘Mr X.’

Streak was loss on information on matches and providing the man with the contact inside information of players.

The ICC believe this information was likely to follow used for betting on matches during the 2018’s tri-series, Amerind Premier League and Afghanistan Premier League.

The council also said Streak failed to expose the gifts and payments he received during this time, which includes II Bitcoins he managed to sell for $35,000 (£25,000) and an iPhone for his wife.

Heath Streak has recognized Phoebe charges of breaking the ICC anti-corruption inscribe and says he testament cooperate with the ICC as it continues its investigation.

Alex Marshall, ICC’s general manager of the Integrity Unit, said: “The offences did non bear on the outcomes of any relevant matches and Mr Streak has in agreement(p) to assist the ICC anti-corruption training programme, for which we are grateful.

"He has also expressed his remorse and contrition, and entered this agreed sanction decision to avoid the need for a replete(p) disciplinary process. The imprimatur reflects this cooperation.”

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