The public debate over what constitutes “problem gambling” continues around the world, with no more bingle definition guiding policy. The Gaming Regulators European Forum (GREF), an organisation that includes to the highest degree of the gaming regulators crosswise Europe and some regime agencies, is looking for to modify this.

In a statement it issued last-place month, the GREF announced that its members are going to micturate a concerted elbow grease to further safer gambling. It will pop by tackling illegal gaming operators and trying to weed them come out of the market.

In doing so, the system hopes to force consumers to regulated gaming platforms, which are governable and manageable. The GREF hopes that this testament get up the emphasis on responsible for(p) gambling and gambling harm, which will aid it tighten job play levels.

Obfuscated Clarity

The GREF’s financial statement asserts that “consumers who approach illegal gaming sites are particularly vulnerable” to gambling harm. This is in the first place because those platforms are non required to bid the same participant protections and safe gaming messages that regulated platforms carry.

Therefore, the organization’s members are sledding to act unitedly to combat unlicensed gaming sites. The GREF expects to at last annihilate the illegal platforms through and through regular meetings, selective information exchanges, alerts and the conception of best practices.

The goal is a valid one for the gaming industry, but the go up may run for into a few obstacles. The GREF acknowledges that “each regulator remains discharge to delineate what amounts to illegal gambling.” It also states that the members testament get together to “ensure good effectuation of our national regulations.”

The want of a unified definition makes it unsufferable to implement unified guidelines. In addition, there are no more “national regulations” governing the gambling ecosystem inwards Europe.

This doesn’t mean value that the initiative isn’t worthwhile. It could be a point of departure toward greater cooperation and a cohesive regulatory framework. This would at long last assist the ethical gaming manufacture mature piece eliminating the unscrupulous platforms.

GREF Ready To Take Action

Among the different GREF members are the gaming regulators from Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, the Netherlands, the UK and others. Leading the mathematical group is Rene Jansen, the chairman of the Dutch people Kansspelautoriteit. The executive director manager of the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC), Tim Miller, serves as its treasurer.

They will, schedules permitting, be connection other member representatives this June to maybe start laying the foot for the new responsible for(p) gambling approach. The GREF is holding its annual meeting June 5-7 inward Bergen, Norway, inward between visits to museums and other scenic destinations the likes of Mount Floyen.

The GREF, a private companionship registered inwards the UK, traces its roots to 1989, when 16 European gaming regulators met inward The Hague. It was the brainchild of the UK’s Gaming Board (eventually the UKGC) and the Netherlands’ previous gaming regulator, the Board for Casino Games.

As it expanded to include additional members, including the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the GREF began holding meetings twice a twelvemonth to address European gaming. However, it later pushed plump for to just now one time a year.

The organization’s goals, according to its website, are to dedicate European gaming regulators a meeting place where they can buoy interchange ideas and information. It also workings as a “central power point of contact” for questions directed at gaming regulators in the region.

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