Grand Gateway Hotel Owner in Court for Breaking No-Contact Order

The possessor of a South Dakota hotel that made headlines for banning Native Americans appeared in court of law lastly hebdomad for violating a no-contact order, The Rapid City Journal reports.

Connie Uhre, 76, runs the Grand Gateway Hotel and its Cheers casino exclude in Rapid City with her son, Nicholas Uhre. She was arrested inwards May 2022 on charges of unsubdivided assault for spraying 3 Native American protestors with Pledge dust spray. Her victims were demonstrating against Uhre’s “racist and discriminatory” admittance policy.

Uhre was after ordered to hold no physical contact with the victims, an monastic order she is alleged to hold broken, according to the in style(p) charges.

Violation of a no-contact prescribe is a Class 1 infringement that comes with a doom of upward to i year inward jailhouse and a upper limit $2,000 fine.

Hotel Shooting

The saga dates to Mar 2022, when Uhre wrote in a Facebook station that she could no longer “allow a Native American to get in our business, including Cheers,” the casino bar that offers video lottery terminals (VLTs).

The annunciation followed a shooting in the early hours of Mar 19, 2022, inward 1 of the hotel rooms. Both the alleged shooter, Quincy Bear Robe, and the victim, Myron Pourier Jr, who later died, were Native American.

The 24-hour interval after Uhre’s Facebook post, indigenous rights take the field group, the NDN Collective, separately sent 2 of its senior members to the hotel to stress to volume rooms. Both were denied, according to an NDN civic rights lawsuit.

The incident triggered protests, with dozens of people marching through and through Rapid City’s main commercial-grade drag to vocalize opposition to the policy.

Lawsuit Pileup

Uhre’s actions feature sparked a violent stream of lawsuits in improver to the NDN civic rights case.

First off, the Uhres countersued NDN, claiming “trespass, nuisance, defamation, and civil conspiracy.”

In October 2022, the Department of Justice launched a polite rights violation causa against Uhre and her son, Nicholas, a parting owner of the hotel.

Meanwhile, inward June 2022, another of Uhre’s sons, Judson Uhre, sued his fuss and brother, claiming they had non acted inward the topper interests of the business.

Then, on Mar 24 this year, the Uhres were sued by Myron Pourier Sr, the father of the shot victim. He claims the Uhres failed to preserve guests at the hotel safe past non protecting against crook activity.

None of these cases have been resolved.

Connie Uhre is due backrest inward homage on July 6 for a position auditory sense on the assault and no-contact violation charges.

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