Murder-for-Hire Suspect Arrested at Wind Creek Bethlehem, Accidentally Released to Terrorize Ex

A Newark, NJ adult male arrested inwards February 2021 at the Wind Creek Bethlehem Ephrathah Casino for allegedly hiring a hitman to obliterate his ex and her blood brother was accidentally released from a Pennsylvania jail six months later.

That’s according to a 144 carelessness case brought past the ex-girlfriend of Saint Dominic Escalera, 39, after he allegedly attacked and terrorized her inward her Allentown, Penn., home during his unexpected bout of freedom.

Escalera was indicted past a federal grand panel inwards August 2021 on II counts of hiring a hitman and 1 numeration of possessing a piece as a felon.

Prosecutors allege Escalera in agreement(p) to pay an single inwards hard cash and illegal drugs for the killings, and provided him with a weapon. He then headed to the Wind Creek Bayt Lahm to launch an alibi spell he believed the bang was existence carried out, according to prosecutors.

But “the hitman” turned out to live an undercover Keystone State State trooper, and Escalera was arrested indoors the casino.

Terrifying Assault

Escalera faces up to 30 years in prison on the charges. On Aug. 18, 2021, a federal justice denied him bail, determining he was a flight of steps risk of infection and a danger to the community, according to judicature filings. He was ordered to remain incarcerated at the Lehigh County Jail throughout the pretrial proceedings.

Yet, inexplicably, he was released 2 years later, and he headed straight to his ex-girlfriend’s house.

“I told you I would acquire out,” he told her, chillingly, when she found him standing inward her kitchen, according to the lawsuit.

For the next deuce hours, Escalera proceeded to assault the plaintiff, spell threatening to vote out her and her family, according to the lawsuit.

Fortunately, she managed to direct covert texts alerting authorities to her predicament, which led to Escalera’s rearrest.

‘Worst Nightmare’

The victim’s accommodate names Lehigh County, slammer warden Kyle Russell, and the county’s corrections director, Janine Donate. The complainant claims she suffers from post-traumatic accentuate disorder because of her ordeal and lives inwards constant veneration that Escalera will re-emerge inward her rest home and endeavour to vote out her.

It’s literally any victim’s rack up nightmare,” the plaintiff’s lawyer, Josh Karoly, told The Booker T. Washington Post. “The crime that this gentleman was accused of committing is the whip possible offensive to live released from for the adult female who was the butt of his alleged plot.

“It’s heroical how she was able-bodied to sell with the position and get him backwards into custody, but she should’ve never been in that position inward the for the first time place,” he added.

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