Non-Binary Gambler Loses Human Rights Case After Using Women’s Restroom

A Canadian risk taker who identifies as non-binary took on a gambling casino operator at a human rights tribunal o'er a difference near bathrooms and lost. That’s according to Castanet, a Brits Columbia River intelligence portal.

Christopher Iversen was playing slots at 5:30 am at an unnamed Gateway Casinos belongings when nature called, according to filings to the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal inwards Vancouver.

Finding the men’s bathroom closed, Iversen used the women’s. Iversen so said they were approached past gambling casino security measures who asked to reckon their identification. Iversen was and so told “according to your identification you are not female” and was accused of using the “wrong washroom.”

Iversen reported inwards tribunal filings that they mat up “ridiculed” and “belittled.” That’s after the casino manager informed them that “anyone who is transgendered must study to the client service desk at the ingress to ‘check in’ to habituate the ‘other’ washroom.”

The casino and so asked them to leave, according to Iverson.

Divergent Accounts

But Gateway’s variant of events differed wildly, as the tribunal noted. The company, which operates 23 casinos inward British people Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario, denies it of all time asked Iversen to leave.

Gateway claimed it asked Iversen to make a motion the conversation to the gambling casino lobby after Iversen became “angry and agitated” when security measures queried their habituate of the women’s washroom. Staff also informed them that a single, non-gendered washroom was available.

But Iversen threatened to sue the gambling casino and inform the media, claiming Iversen knew high-ranking government officials and would “get rich” from the situation, according to Gateway’s account.

Far from existence thrown and twisted out, Iversen remained committal to writing notes and taking selfies for upwardly to 15 minutes before finally leaving of their have accord, the operator claimed.

Iversen sent a missive of complaint to the casino 11 months later. The gambling casino manager replied, apologized, adding that discriminatory behavior was not condoned at the establishment. The 2 parties and then entered mediation, which failed.

$7K Settlement Rejected

When Iversen escalated the showcase to the human rights tribunal, the gambling casino offered a $7,000 settlement, promised to update its insurance and training, and to come forth Iversen a missive of apology.

But Iversen rejected this, declaring the case to live “groundbreaking.” He said unless it was heard past the tribunal, other businesses would follow able-bodied to get along the same.

The tribunal disagreed, determining that the pillowcase mired a “single, comparatively brief incident” which was without “identity-related insults, violence, or harassment.”

“The non-monetary remedies march that Gateway took the complainants allegations seriously and reverberate an intention to avoid hereafter events,” the tribunal panel wrote.

The $7,000, which the panel described as “reasonable” remains on the table.

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