If the initial reaction is any indication, Brazil’s sports betting market could blow the rest of the markets out of the water. So far, on that point get been 134 companies that feature expressed involvement in beingness voice of the industry.

On October 27, the Ministry of Finance inward Federative Republic of Brazil introduced a appraise outlining the full general conditions for the military operation of sports betting in the country. This initiative specified that entities interested inward getting a certify needful to state a prior verbalism of stake within 30 years of the announcement.

Reportedly, 134 companies hold already completed the required constitute to control sports betting, with submissions continuing to flow rate into the Ministry of Finance regular after the initial deadline. The expression of interestingness is non-binding, implying that not all companies testament obtain a license.

Overwhelming Interest

Out of the add up submissions, 52 expressions of interest group were presented to the Ministry of Finance almost immediately. They were component of a aggroup that submitted their paperwork inward the days followers the publishing of the assess and the approval of the sports betting vizor by the Senate’s Economic Affairs Committee (CAE, for its Lusitanian acronym).

Subsequently, another 82 were submitted post-CAE approval, bringing the cumulative add together to 134. By right smart of comparison, the US currently boasts 40 licensed sportsbooks with a marketplace worth around $83 billion.

With an estimated initial 5-year permit be of BRL30 billion (US$6 million), this could potentially bring forth nearly BRL4 billion (US$813 million) inwards governance revenue from license fees alone. This is inward improver to the tax revenue and additional economic benefits it testament receive.

However, non all applicants will secure a license. The functionary licensing appendage is yet to start up due to continued Senate delays inward affirmative the legislation. Only erstwhile it and the Chamber of Deputies okay the last edition of the regulations testament certify scrutiny begin.

Even then, thither are hurdling to jump. Notably, as the statute law reads now, an manipulator will want to make a permanent power inward Brazil. It may also demand to find a local to onboard as a partner. Of the 134 interested companies, it’s likely that a few won’t take on these and other requirements.

iGaming, Casino Discussion Still inward the Works

While awaiting a Senate voting on the sports betting bill, another gambling legislative proposal, Bill 2234/2022, is upwards for debate. It addresses various aspects, including casinos inwards resorts, bingo parlors, online gaming and more.

This vizor was scheduled for give-and-take inward the Constitution, Justice, and Citizenship Commission (CCJ, for its Portuguese acronym) of the Senate shoemaker's last Wednesday. However, as happened to the sports betting bill, the session concluded before the senators reached the topic.

This legislative proposition has faced delays inward the Senate since February 2022, despite receiving initial favorable reception in the Chamber of Deputies in 2018. Senator Davi Alcolumbre, the chairwoman of the CCJ, verbalized his intention to prepare sinful sessions this calendar week to speech pending schedule items, including Bill 2234/2022.