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Zitro s 88 Link added to Orenes Gran Casino Castell n

Zitro’s 88 Link has been added to Orenes Gran Casino Castellón’s gaming offeringZitro’s 88 Link has been added to Orenes Gran Casino Castellón’s gaming offering. 88 »

Bragg Gaming receives 8 7m funding from Lind Global Fund II

Bragg Gaming has entered into a funding agreement for $8Bragg Gaming has entered into a funding agreement for $8.7m from Jenny Lind Global Fund II, a New York-based investment »

Kay Adams set for FanDuel TV debut

Kay Adams is set to make her FanDuel TV debut on 6 September on ‘Up and Adams’, FanDuel TV’s flagship daily morning showKay President Adams is countersink to make »

Calls for Australian national gambling harm regulator amid US 7 7bn pokies losses

The Chief Advocate at the Alliance for Gambling Reform has called for the federal government and the states to establish a national gambling harm regulator in Australia, amid new research »

John Baillie and Catharine Seddon reappointed as Commissioners of Gambling Commission

John Baillie and Catharine Seddon have been reappointed as Commissioners of the Gambling Commission by the Secretary of StateJohn Baillie and Catharine Seddon have been reappointed as Commissioners of the »