
A 15-post collection

RSS feed of posts tagged Research

Study of Brazil’s iGaming Market Shows Women Love to Gamble Online

Several studies o'er the years feature shown that female person participation inwards gaming and sports betting is on the rise. It’s been a slack climb up in most regions, »

New Research Shows Problem Gambling Rate in the UK Continues To Drop

There’s unexampled grounds to designate that the UK and the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) mightiness follow allocating too many resources to an publication that doesn’t need so a »

Squirrels Are Amazing Gamblers, University of Michigan Research Discovers

North American ruby-red squirrels, new explore finds, are rather skilled at gambling. University of Wolverine State biopsychology search fellow Dr. Lauren Petrullo latterly discovered that Frederick North American ruby-red squirrels »

YouGov Survey Shows Americans Concerned About Sports Betting Ads

A recent story by YouGov should do as a wake-up call up for US sports betting operators. The international explore and analytics stiff released a report lastly month showing 45% »

Mobile Sports Bettors Have High Incomes, But TransUnion Suggests Sportsbooks Probe Players

More than half of roving sports bettors inwards the US earn $100,000 or to a greater extent annually. But TransUnion suggests that online sportsbook operators ameliorate know their customers. »