Washington State Elderly Casino Winner Followed, Beaten, Robbed

An 81-year-old woman was tailed nursing home after an evening of play at Washington State’s Muckleshoot Casino utmost week. Once there, a robber struck her in the chief and stole her purse. Inside was $1,200.

As the fillet of sole robber approached her, the dupe felled seam to the earth remote of her house. That is when the brigand began to assault her.

She suffered several bruises and cuts from the attack, according to KIRO, a local TV station. The dupe required treatment at a local infirmary but is likely to recover.

The brigand ab initio began next her at the cassino set inward Auburn, Wash. He continued to tail assembly her for 14 miles all the way of life to her Renton, Wash. residence. The robber may get had a weapon system that night, the dupe later told police.

$5K Stolen from Casino Employee

Local police force also told KIRO this week that a 59-year-old Renton adult female endure month was also assaulted and robbed at her house after beingness at a casino.

The dupe works at the Macau Casino in Tukwila, Wash., and the onrush took place after she got home.

Two men assaulted her and robbed $5,000 from her, law said. Details on her injuries were non now available.

So far, constabulary get along non assure the deuce incidents as beingness connected. But both happened at nighttime and involved violence.

A Renton police voice told the TV station if any device driver suspects someone is following him or her to catch instantly to a law station. Or motor to someplace in public where someone tin can call in police.

Casino officials experience also suggested receiving profits inwards the var. of a check, not cash, and having security faculty accompany a victor plunk for to their parked car.

The advice is applicable crosswise the nation. There are several prior incidents where robbers have followed casino winners and later robbed and assaulted them.

Prior Robberies of Casino Winners

For instance, inward Apr 2021, a 74-year-old Win-River Resort & Casino victor was robbed and dragged from her railway car in front end of her Redding, Calif. home. The holdup took shoes shortly after she left the nearby gambling casino also inwards Redding.

The suspects began to travel along her on the casino floor. Later, she left, got into her automobile and horde home. The duo followed her all the way of life to her residence.

She had not in time gotten come out of her car, when unity of bandits walked o'er to her. a adult male pulled come out a handgun. He and then ordered her to helping hand over her purse. The II struggled.

He eventually got sustain of the purse, but non before the victim was pulled out of the car. She suffered a emasculated on her arm.

The suspect and then fled to a nearby auto which presently sped away. Police later arrested the II suspects.

In addition, on June 14 a adult male who won about $53,000 at the Seminole Hard John Rock Hotel & Casino Tampa also was tailed from the casino. Robbers followed him rear to his FL hotel.

The dupe had taken a cab backwards to the hotel. One of the suspects followed him inside. Once inside, the bandit grabbed a paper old bag holding the profits and began to ravel toward an awaiting Alfa Romeo.

But the risk taker ran after the robber. He was able-bodied to tackle the brigand remote of the hotel.

The ii started to wrestle. Suddenly, another surmise horde the Alfa Romeo to the hotel entrance, darted out of the automobile and pulled the dupe sour the foremost suspect. Eventually, both suspects were able-bodied to flee.

Also, in July, ii other bandits forced an IA casino winner turned the route inwards Des Moines and stole over $10,000 from her, police force said.

One of the suspects approached the car, then allegedly bust her driver’s position window, opened the driver’s door, and yanked her wrinkle out of the car. Inside was the money she had just won piece playing at Prairie Meadows Casino inwards Altoona, Iowa.

At to the lowest degree ace of the robbers was arrested.